Post by DudeBehindAKeyboard on Jul 19, 2013 18:32:32 GMT -5
Wrestler's Name: Stephon Jhones
Wrestler's Nickname: the Dark King of Bling *before name*
Billed From: the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn, New York
Age: 22
Weight: 230 lbs
Height: 6 foot
Heel/Face Status: tweener/face
Theme Music: the way I am by Eminem
Gimmick (Tell us a little bit about your character): a dark and spiritual gangster.
Pic Base (The actual picture is optional, but it is required to include the persons name): Tech N9ne
Physical Description: mostly skinny with a little muscle
Detailed Appearance (out of the ring): a red do rag, black shades, a chain necklace, a red t shirt, black baggy pants, and black shoes, if the weather is cold, he wars a black trench coat.
Detailed Appearance (In the ring): short red tights, red knee pads, and black boots.
Personality: I don't even know how to explain it. He's dark. I know that. LOL
Brief Bio: Stephon grew up in the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn New York. When he was a baby. His mother died with cancer. When he was a young boy. His father was killed in a drive by. He was raised by only his aunt. At the age of 16. He joined a Indy promotion called Cardinal City Pro, where he feuded with many people including Ryan "the Reaper" Robinson. Now he is here in PCW. He is one of the many wrestlers who was trained by Demian Seth.
Style (Hardcore, Brawler, etc.): all arounder, not much of a brawler though as he follows the Puro style of wrestling, but he CAN and LIKES to go hardcore.
Entrance (write it in detail because it will be copied and pasted into our shows when your character enters the ring.): the way I am by Eminem hits the sound system, and out comes ''the Dark King of Bling'' Stephon Jhones. Stephon looks around at the fans before making his way to the ring, once he gets to the ring, he climbs up the steps, and gets in the ring, he then steps on a near by turnbuckle, points out at the fans, steps down, and waits for the match to begin.
Finishing Moves:
bling cutter *diamond cutter*
red hook elbow *diving elbow drop*
ankle lock
Signature Moves:
tornado DDT
running tornado DDT
super kick
figure 4 leg lock
double knee backbreaker
Basic Moveset:
flying shoulder block
swinging neckbreaker
running swinging neckbreaker
running bulldog *the kind Jericho does*
scoop slam
back drop
super hurricanrana
super back drop
turnbuckle splash
half boston crab
camel clutch
head lock
arm wrench
arm bar
rear chin lock
drop kick
spinning wheel kick
missile dropkick
flying clothsline *from the top rope*
flying cross body *from the top rope*
swingshot cross body
springboared crossbody
suicide dive
Wrestler's Nickname: the Dark King of Bling *before name*
Billed From: the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn, New York
Age: 22
Weight: 230 lbs
Height: 6 foot
Heel/Face Status: tweener/face
Theme Music: the way I am by Eminem
Gimmick (Tell us a little bit about your character): a dark and spiritual gangster.
Pic Base (The actual picture is optional, but it is required to include the persons name): Tech N9ne
Physical Description: mostly skinny with a little muscle
Detailed Appearance (out of the ring): a red do rag, black shades, a chain necklace, a red t shirt, black baggy pants, and black shoes, if the weather is cold, he wars a black trench coat.
Detailed Appearance (In the ring): short red tights, red knee pads, and black boots.
Personality: I don't even know how to explain it. He's dark. I know that. LOL
Brief Bio: Stephon grew up in the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn New York. When he was a baby. His mother died with cancer. When he was a young boy. His father was killed in a drive by. He was raised by only his aunt. At the age of 16. He joined a Indy promotion called Cardinal City Pro, where he feuded with many people including Ryan "the Reaper" Robinson. Now he is here in PCW. He is one of the many wrestlers who was trained by Demian Seth.
Style (Hardcore, Brawler, etc.): all arounder, not much of a brawler though as he follows the Puro style of wrestling, but he CAN and LIKES to go hardcore.
Entrance (write it in detail because it will be copied and pasted into our shows when your character enters the ring.): the way I am by Eminem hits the sound system, and out comes ''the Dark King of Bling'' Stephon Jhones. Stephon looks around at the fans before making his way to the ring, once he gets to the ring, he climbs up the steps, and gets in the ring, he then steps on a near by turnbuckle, points out at the fans, steps down, and waits for the match to begin.
Finishing Moves:
bling cutter *diamond cutter*
red hook elbow *diving elbow drop*
ankle lock
Signature Moves:
tornado DDT
running tornado DDT
super kick
figure 4 leg lock
double knee backbreaker
Basic Moveset:
flying shoulder block
swinging neckbreaker
running swinging neckbreaker
running bulldog *the kind Jericho does*
scoop slam
back drop
super hurricanrana
super back drop
turnbuckle splash
half boston crab
camel clutch
head lock
arm wrench
arm bar
rear chin lock
drop kick
spinning wheel kick
missile dropkick
flying clothsline *from the top rope*
flying cross body *from the top rope*
swingshot cross body
springboared crossbody
suicide dive